Emotional Optimization Program

If you are ready for a drastic change in your life, you just found a solid solution. 

We create our own blockages, it is a fact, you know that... These blockages come from fears, often subconscious fears.
Blaming our difficulties, our financial struggles, our poor results or our challenges in relationships on the outside world, on our parents, our colleagues or our past, is unproductive and will not help.
Some of us went through very challenging experiences, traumas, years of suffering.
The past can’t be changed unfortunately, however we do not have to carry its painful imprint in us. We can recover our full potential by changing our present.

This program will actively support you in identifying your fears, your blocks and your patterns. We will also uncover subconscious fears that are creating debilitating life limitations and believes. Once they will be recognized we will resolve them together.

  • This is a two month, in depth, program.

  • We will be working one-on-one.

  • At least two one hour Zoom call per week, with unlimited access to me via email in between.

  • Personalized homework and practices.

  • You can schedule a free consultation to evaluate if this program is right for you.


A river traveling through a lushly wooded landscape, a place for change and transformation, a place to seek resolution to past traumas, anxiety treatment, overcoming phobias, relieving stress, overcoming anger, increasing self confidence, healing ch…